The Clear World of the Blissful – a homoreotic concept of paradise
Harald Szeemann, the brilliant Swiss curator and exhibitor, saved Monte Verità from disappearing in the consciousness of subsequent generations. The exhibition Le Mammelle della verità (The Breasts of Truth) in 1978 on Monte Verità, in the Museo Comunale and the Teatro San Materno showed the important historical developments they began here. The exhibition found its place in the Casa Anatta on Monte Verità after several stations (among others Kunsthaus Zürich).
To the circumcircle of Monte Verità, did belong for Szeemann the work of Elisarion too. Already in the Monte Verità exhibition in 1978, he showed photos and a model of the Sanctuarium Artis Elisarion in the original state. After being able to rescue the cyclorama The Clear World of the Blissful at last minute from the Sanctuarium Artis Elisarion, Szeemann sought to make it accessible to the public at Monte Verità. With private donations, he could erect a pavilion, in which the cyclorama is shown since.
Harald Szeemann explains The Clear World oft the Blissful
In the meantime, the ravages of time did its work on the buildings of Monte Verità. The Casa Anatta had to be closed. The canton of Ticino, the muncipality of Ascona, surrounding municipalities and private donors have provided financial capacity for the urgent renovation. Today, the hotel is refurbished, the light-air hut Casa Selma and the Russian house as well, a tea-park has been laid out and the complete renovation of the Casa Anatta is finished. Since may 2017, it’s open as a museum to the public.
Finally, the reconstruction of the pavilion with The Clear World of the Blissful is now on. The renovation of the pavilion, the installation of an air-conditioning system and the expenditure for a permanent installation of the cyclorama are financially guaranteed. Only the money for the proper professional restoration is still missing.
Help, that the restoration of cyclorama becomes a reality.